This method use base color map and selected sample colors to blend the detail maps to the
target area.
This methods allow auto blending any numbers of detail maps into one base map. The process
does not need interfere from artists but also can be interfere by artist if necessary.
Step 1 : color extracting
Decide how many detail map you want to use in the final blend and extract color from the base
We run color quantization tool to extract selected numbers of colors mostly used in the image.
This example is using 2.
To visualize the color:
Step 2 : choose detail map and feed data to the shader.
Keep in mind that the color is the area where the corresponding maps will be filled in. In this
example brown is where earth texture will be blended in, green is where the grass will be
blended in.
Assign the color and corresponding detail maps to the shader.
Step 3: adjust blending methods according to need.
Blend Strength :base abedo and detail map blending weight
from 0 to 1
Blending power :how sharp the blending edge is
from 9 to 29
D1 / D2 value : blending area control
D1 : from to
Further thinking
Compare to blend map
Color based blending:
1. Production process is easier and faster , no need to create blend map.
2. Less memory footprint, no need to store extra map.
3. In theory can blend in any numbers of detail maps.
4. Real time blend area control.
5. Different base map with similar color can use same setting without recalculate.
5. Different base map with similar color can use same setting without recalculate.
Blending map :
1 . Have more control over how to blend.
2 . Requires less calculation on shader.
3. Can overlay several detail map easily.
Vertex painting
This technique can used together with either Color based blending or blend map to give large
area of control.
Color extraction
Color quantization algorithm extract mostly used colors in a map. While most pixels are covered
in the palate, it has some problem.
1 . feature colors could be ignored.
This is a test made with extracting 3 main color. The blue dot is too small (too few pixels) to be
count into the main colors.
2. Inaccurate gradiency. To give a correct gradient on the detail map blending, it’s best to use extreme colors. However due to the character of the algorithm, more average colors are use.
These are the directions to improve the quantization algorithm.