1. The game currently runs on resolution : 1440*2560
2. For debugging purpose, you can choose either use keyboard "ASDW" or joystick mode by enabling or disabling the [Use Joy Stick ]on PlayerControl.cs.
3. basic layout:
Joy stick is always on the left corner. It shows up when touch the screen on mobile device or left click on pc platform,
When all lives are used. Game is over, high score and player's score are shown. The player will have the choices of either restart the game or exit the game.
3. Bug logic:
When player survives for 15 seconds, bugs will be released.
Bugs can damage player either by touching the player or releasing projectiles.
Every 5 seconds the bug dashes to player, every 5 seconds the bug releases projectiles.
Projectiles released by bug can be destroyed by player's projectiles.
When the bug takes damage, some pixels on the bug are darken, if all the pixels are darken, the bug is dead.
Player can not gain score by killing the bugs, however, player can picked up the heart that is dropped by a dead bug. In this way, player gains more live to continue with the game.
The project files are available for downloading here
The concept psd file is also included.